And so we begin anew!

I’ve returned from much rainier parts to some lovely spring weather.
Timing is everything!
Compared to last year things are moving a little slower in the Gardens by a couple of weeks, however if predictions prove accurate we’ll be catching up in no time.

Staff have recently come back from snow removal (quite a winter). They have a busy time ahead of them painting, repairing, doing spring cleanup and bedding out thousands of annuals (many home-grown) to name just a few of their chores.

Magnolia stellata at the Halifax Public GardensThere are many Magnolia stellata (Star Magnolia) scattered around the Gardens. They are the first of many resident Magnolias to bloom. Next come the pink Magnolia soulangiana, followed by the gorgeous yellow Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’. The parade is just gathering force!

Narcissus (Daffodils) by Griffins pond at the Halifax Public GardensNarcissus should never be put in an arrangement with other flowers. They have a toxic sap which is harmful to its neighbors.

Miniature house at the Halifax Public Gardens

The prettiest place in the Gardens at the moment. The beds alongside the stream between the bridges, are a mass of deep pink and white flowers on the Pieris japonica (Japanese andromeda).

Balusters at the Halifax Public GardensMonochromatic combinations can be quite stunning.

Bandstand at the Halifax Public GardensIn two weeks this view will be accompanied by music. The Halifax Concert Band will be performing at the bandstand on Victoria Day. There are lots of things happening that day… stay tuned.

Ceres at the Halifax Public GardensLooks like Ceres is in need of a little makeup. The winter has not been kind to her… or anyone else.

Springtime bouquet at the Halifax Public GardensGlen (he of living urns and carpet beds fame) has been working his magic again. I headed into the greenhouses to visit the new Tropicals (hardy to our region!!!). The first thing I saw was a beautiful representation of what I’d seen on my walk.

A clementine orange in the Halifax Public Gardens greenhouse.The citrus fruit in the greenhouse had fruit on it. Something that hasn’t happened in a long, long time. The grapefruit, clementine oranges and lemon trees all had fruit on it. Some even had the lovely white, scented flowers I smelled in Mallorca.

Guardian angels at the Halifax Public GardensOut of the shadows….
Gardening angels watching over the Gardens.

With all of us on its side, the Halifax Public Gardens can’t help but thrive.

Things are just revving up and soon we’ll be in the midst of one of the prettiest parts of the season.  The plants aren’t the only things getting ready to put on a show. Concerts and festivals are being organized, and social occasions planned.
We kick off the season with Victoria Day celebrations which include a Tea Party, a band concert and a string quartet followed by a stroll through this gem of a Victorian garden.

Join us in celebrating the longest-serving British monarch (63 years) who ruled during one of the most innovative eras in gardening history.

All copy and images copyright © Serena Graham-Dwyer,  2013. If you wish to use any part or whole of an image, in any manner, please contact us.

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